Saturday, 9 October 2010

Rather good drums recording..

So today was spent in the company of local Manchester experimental group Swansea Love Story whose E.P I am producing.  I made the decision awhile ago to start looking for young artists who might be looking for a cheaper recording solution than going to big expensive studios.  Not only is it an opportunity to make some money, but it is a great way to get my name out there as a producer.  You've got to keep your fingers in as many pies as possible!

I've known these guys for a fair few years, having gone to the same school as them, and they have a sound which is truly rare for a Manchester band, more reminiscent of artists like Subtle, Ratatat and in their more ambient moments, Sigur Ros with an electronic twist.  It is a project I am happy to be involved in and it's good to be able to see music writing from a fresh perspective.  It can be difficult to write and record one's own music from start to finish whilst maintaining an outsider's point of view with regards to the overall impact of the end product.

We recorded drums for 4 of the tracks off their planned E.P.  Using the SSL studio at Futureworks College we were able to spend a good 8 hours in their, which gave us enough time to hone the sound of the drums and make the recordings.  I still find that projects like this, which are separate to and less personal than recording for my own songs, are perfect for practicing different recording techniques with a more objective point of view.  It was good experience and I feel more confident than ever, now, recording drums in a studio environment!

Drum Mic setup..

View from the SSL desk..

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