Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Let's push things forward...

So, this morning has been quite an exciting and slightly nerves-inducing experience.  I received a call from, our lead singer, Hollie-Jay's mum, Maggie, this morning telling me that she had been on the phone with David Foran from Manchester Radio Online.  He is helping organise a big festival at the Printworks in Manchester and was very interested in having Jeanie in the Radiator on the bill.  It sounds like a great weekend festival; it's going to be free entry too so they're hoping to get thousands of people down to the venues that are showcasing the live acts.

After noting down his details and beginning to phone the rest of the band regarding availability for the gigs, I get another call from Maggie saying that she had had a call from a band manager, expressing their interest in managing us having seen something David Foran had written online.  He had apparently listened to our music on Myspace and posted that he loved it, which, according to this manager, was a very rare thing for him to do!  Good news all round then, but it sounds like a lot of good things could come of this gig so we better start working hard!

I'm awaiting a return call from Bozo of Beatbullyz to see if he can make the gig, but apart from him it looks like we should all be set for a date on 20th November.  Here's to lots of practices...

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