Monday 4 April 2011

Final preparations...

The big EP Launch, which will not only see the release of two projects I have produced but will finalise my Major Project, is tomorrow night.  I have been extremely busy over the last few weeks finishing off the tracks for the Jeanie in the Radiator EP and organising other things to fill out the evening.  I went to my friend Paul Allen's studio on Friday to work with him to master the tracks.  The finished songs are sounding great and so, as I type, I am uploading them to some web space so that my drummer, Ben, may download them to put on to the USB pens which I have put him in charge of.

Mike Pettyt, who directed the Soapworks Session videos has put together some promising (I haven't seen the finished product yet) videos to make up the video installation/EP preview idea I had in mind.  He sent over a link to two of the videos for two of the tracks earlier and they're looking great.  I've sent him some feedback and he'll be making a few changes, but other than that, the videos look pretty much done.

Devin has been working on the EP art all day today.  The initial idea we had decided upon as a band really wasn't working as cover art.  Devin voiced her concerns to me, that the photo we had chosen looked too busy and wouldn't work.  I went through a few ideas with her and eventually came up with this:

It was a simple idea but a good starting point and I had full confidence that Devin would be able to work wonders with it.  She did and therefore, after a few minor alterations to the original mock-up she sent over to the band, we now have our finished EP design:

©Jeanie in the Radiator

We're all really pleased with it.  Devin did such a good job and it was great in the end that the whole band was able to spend a good 15 minutes during band practice this evening suggesting changes and alterations to the original design.  Everyone had their say and then Devin did very well to make the best of all the ideas.  The logo is courtesy of Sophie, our drummer Ben's sister with some tweaking by Ben.  A group effort that has come out really well in my opinion.

Ideally, if we had had more time to do the photos I'd have preferred to have given Devin more time to do this design, as she was under a lot of stress to have it completed today.  It is difficult to manage time when band members have educational or work commitments.  These last two weekends have been the only two that all members have had time to spare for a while.  I think we managed to work wonders in the time that we did have however, and in a way it has taught me the both the value of early planning, and the fact that the best laid plans of mice and men really do 'go oft awry'.

Hopefully that won't be the case tomorrow evening.  Practice went really well tonight and I just have a few last minute bits of preparation before tomorrow including information leaflets and mailing lists.  I also sent Ben a short PlainText document to put on to each USB wristband crediting the people who helped us make it, and the people who buy it.  A nice touch to show our appreciation for the people who support us.

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